Spend the day with me in New York in June

I've been remiss in scheduling these full-day transformative Q&A sessions and I miss them.

You can find the details and tickets right here.

Here's one take on some of the things we covered in an expanded seminar last summer.

This is the tenth anniversary of Purple Cow, too, so we'll celebrate that as well. Cake for everyone.

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營養師Mike Roussell博士:


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在「運動後,先進行伸展還是FOAM ROLLER肌筋膜放鬆呢?」文章中有提到「CORRECTIVE FLEXIBILITY (修正柔軟度的訓練)」,其目的在於增加活動範圍、改善肌肉失衡及修正變異的關節動作,有網友不是很了解,所以山姆伯伯直接把[NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training]內抓出來囉。

■ 何謂修正柔軟度的訓練(Corrective flexibility)?

修正柔軟度的訓練是設計用於增加關節活動範圍(ROM)、改善肌肉失衡(Muscle Imbalance)及修正變形的關節活動(Altered Joint Motion),其方式包含自我肌筋膜放鬆技術(Foam Roller按摩滾輪)及靜態伸展。

1. 自我肌筋膜放鬆技術(Self-myofascial release, 簡稱SMR)是使用「自生抑制(Autogenic Inhibition)」的觀念來放鬆肌肉,請參考「Foam Roller(瑜伽滾輪)輕鬆自我按摩原理介紹」。

2. 靜態伸展則是根據其使用的伸展方式,以「自生抑制(Autogenic Inhibition)」或「交替抑制(Reciprocal Inhibition)」的方式來增加肌肉的長度。關於交替抑制,可以參考「進行臀大肌訓練,臀大肌無感,反而腿後側肌群有感? 」介紹。

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Tried and false

The tried and true is beyond reproach. It's been tried, and of course, it's true. True because it worked.

In times of change, though, most of the tried is in fact, false. False because what used to work, doesn't, at least not any longer.

Sure, it might be what you've always done. But that doesn't make it true, or right, or best. It just means that you already tried it.

The nature of revolutions is that they destroy the perfect and enable the impossible. Seeking out the tried and true is the wrong direction for crazy times.

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  • 冬天受寒感冒
  • 即時洗熱水澡可痊癒


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