蘋果是「萬病的藥方」 -轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)
i-Nature 編輯部
早餐的英文是breakfast ,這個字是「break (停止)、fast (斷食)」的意思。除非吃宵夜,否則身體從晚餐到隔天早上都處於空腹狀態。不管生活多麼不規律的人,睡眠期間也是什麼都不吃。換句話說,睡眠時,即便時間很短,也是處在斷食的狀態。
蘋果是「萬病的藥方」 -轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)
i-Nature 編輯部
早餐的英文是breakfast ,這個字是「break (停止)、fast (斷食)」的意思。除非吃宵夜,否則身體從晚餐到隔天早上都處於空腹狀態。不管生活多麼不規律的人,睡眠期間也是什麼都不吃。換句話說,睡眠時,即便時間很短,也是處在斷食的狀態。
You should buy the book
Mitch Joel is a generous and perceptive blogger. Well worth the daily read. He has a new book. You should buy it.
David Meerman Scott writes an essential blog, daily. His book is a classic. You should buy it.
Tom Asacker writes a very thoughtful blog about marketing. Worth the read. He has a new book. You should buy it, too.
Every day, Mark Frauenfelder and Cory Doctorow blog tons of goodness at Boingboing. They each have books. You should buy them and share them.
不發胖的飲食方式三大重點 -轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)
i-Nature 編輯部
In search of resilience
Most of the time, we build our jobs and our organizations and our lives around today, assuming that tomorrow will be a lot like now. Resilience, the ability to shift and respond to change, comes way down the list of the things we often consider.
And yet... A crazy world is certain to get crazier. The industrial economy is fading, and steady jobs with it. The financial markets will inevitably get more volatile. The Earth is warming, ever faster, and the rate and commercial impact of natural disasters around the world is on an exponential growth curve.
Hence the need for resilience, for the ability to survive and thrive in the face of change.
A non-resilient hospital in New York City closed for months because the designers failed to design for a flood. A career as a travel agent ends when, fairly suddenly, people don't need travel agents any longer. A retirement is wiped out because the sole asset in the nest egg is no longer worth what it was.