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Getting picked (need to vs. want to)

Sure, it's fun to be picked, anointed, given social approval for what you do—the newspaper writes you up, you get invited to speak at graduation, your product gets featured on the front page of a website or blog...

The thing is, it's really difficult to get picked, and those doing the picking don't have nearly the power they used to. (Pause for a second to consider that double math problem: there are way more offerings, creators and choices, and, at the same time, an order of magnitude more media outlets, each with far less power than Oprah or Johnny ever had).

More than twenty years ago, at what he then believed was the high point of his career, Marc Maron auditioned for Saturday Night Live. Lorne wasn't impressed, nor was he kind, and Marc didn't get picked to become a cast member.

Today, of course, Marc's podcast is popular, lucrative and fun. Marc didn't get there because someone picked him, he picked himself (in fact, now he's the one getting pitched).

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 根據季節變化選擇喝什麼茶 -轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)



■ 夏季宜飲綠茶?

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看過麥杜格著作《天生就會跑》的讀者,都會對書中一名力抗塔拉烏瑪拉原住民的女性跑者安‧崔森(Ann Trason)印象深刻,她的連霸以及強悍不言而喻。而當安‧崔森自從腳傷退隱,跑步純作休閒,不再積極出賽後。超馬界似乎就短缺了能承接此鬥魂意志的女性跑者。即便是書中以惡搞與美貌盛名、年輕一代的『小女巫』珍‧雪頓,在成績與意志上也無法承接。


但還好,與安‧崔森同期的年代,我們還有卡蜜‧史密克 (Kami Semick)。


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