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■ 需要遠離膽固醇的糖尿病患者

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來自新加坡的超馬選手張秀麗,因為羨慕背包客走遍世界的生活,希望培養自己長途遠征的耐力,於是跑馬的日子就開始了,2010年在故鄉跑了第一場馬拉松後,幾乎每個月跑一場馬拉松,隨著挑戰的野心增強,跑了4場馬拉松後,開始報名50-72公里超馬,一年後,2011年6月25日生日當天,正式挑戰100K─新加坡Sundown Ultra-marathon 100K。

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消除疲勞的特效藥-轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)




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Urgency and accountability are two sides of the innovation coin

As organizations and individuals succeed, it gets more difficult to innovate. There are issues of coordination, sure, but mostly it's about fear. The fear of failing is greater, because it seems as though you've got more to lose.

So urgency disappears first. Why ship it today if you can ship it next week instead? There are a myriad of excuses, but ultimately it comes down to this: if every innovation is likely to fail, or at the very least, be criticized, why be in such a hurry? Go to some more meetings, socialize it, polish it and then, one day, you can ship it.

Part of the loss of urgency comes from a desire to avoid accountability. Many meetings are events in which an organization sits in a room until someone finally says, "okay, I'll take responsibility for this." If you're willing to own it, do you actually need a meeting, or can you just email a question or two to the people you need information from?

Thus, we see the two symptoms of the organization unable to move forward with alacrity, the two warning signs of the person in the grip of the resistance. "I can take my time, and if I'm lucky, I can get you to wonder who to blame."

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