Measuring without measuring
As an organization grows and industrializes, it's tempting to simplify things for the troops. Find a goal, make it a number and measure it until it gets better. In most organizations, the thing you measure is the thing that will improve.
Colleges decided that the SAT were a useful shortcut, a way to measure future performance in college. And nervous parents and competitive kids everywhere embraced the metric, and stick with it, even after seeing (again and again) that all the SAT measures is how well you do on the SAT. It's easier to focus on one number than it is to focus on a life.
Paypal and Chase and countless other organizations do precisely this: they figure out a metric, decide it's important and then create a department to improve that metric.
Consider the Chase Fraud Prevention department. It costs a credit card company a lot of money when fraudulent charges are made, because they often have to eat the cost. So this department of thousands of people works to make the number of fraudulent charges go down at the same time they keep expenses low. Which sounds great until you realize that the easiest way to do this is to flag false positives, annoy honest customers and provide little or no fallback when a mistake is made.
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i-Nature 編輯部
作者:Balance Wu
Macca (Chris McCormack) 從1995大學畢業,開始投入鐵人三項以奧運標準賽程為主,一開始受澳洲傳奇教練 Brett Sutton的指導,對於生理狀況的要求條件是:瘦還能更瘦,體脂肪越少越好。
Macca回憶談到:精瘦讓我更快。這讓比賽變的這麼簡單,年輕天生自然的速度,靈活性和精力配上輕盈的身體。在像奧運距離的比賽,精瘦讓我充滿了自信和活力。在這樣的訓練信念下而1997年可以說是Macca和 Brett Sutton教練豐收的一年,Macca拿下了該年的年度冠軍及年度最佳成績。
七情六欲都能傷「神」-轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)