都是速效惹的禍-轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)



■ 引言/犯錯是人性,寬恕是神性。──十八世紀英國詩人波普。

EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

不是說Global Warming嗎?怎麼各地暴風雪的消息連續不斷?今日(1月20日)更是大寒氣節,怕凍的話,不如在家DIY幾道泰式辣菜禦寒。今日就由「少年食神」Michael親身示範三款易學菜式。想更了解泰國菜的話,也可參考他的新書《曼煮泰菜》。



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EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Never enough

There's never enough time to be as patient as we need to be. Not enough slack to focus on the long-term, too much urgency in the now to take the time and to plan ahead. That urgent sign post just ahead demands all of our intention (and attention), and we decide to invest in, "down the road," down the road.

It's not only more urgent, but it's easier to run to the urgent meeting than it is to sit down with a colleague and figure out the truth of what matters and the why of what's before us.

And there's never enough money to easily make the investments that matter. Not enough surplus in the budget to take care of those that need our help, too much on our plate to be generous right now. The short term bills make it easy to ignore the long-term opportunities.

Of course, the organizations that get around the universal and insurmountable problems of not enough time and not enough money are able to create innovations, find resources to be generous and prepare for a tomorrow that's better than today. It's not easy, not at all, but probably (okay, certainly) worth it.

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選擇裝潢,但又能同時擁有健康-轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)'

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1. 選擇天然、無毒性的建材,或使用低甲醛含量的板材,如低甲醛木心板、低甲醛粒片板等;避免使用木心板貼皮;

2. 選擇低VOCs塗料,避免使用加工塗料;

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飯前喝水減低食慾,達到減肥功效?  -轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)


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