之前介紹過「久坐對於肌肉的影響」,主要是講下半身的肌肉群。而今天則是談久坐並長時間以不良姿勢(頭部前傾、駝背)使用電腦的族群,對於上半身肌肉會有什麼影響呢?主談談到斜方肌(Trapezius Muscle)、提肩胛肌(Levator Scapulae Muscle)、斜角肌(Scalene Muscle)、胸大肌(Pectoral major)與胸小肌(Pectoral minor)。
坐姿的時候,理想的姿勢是上圖(左),但通常我們都是呈現上圖(右),這個頭部前傾與駝背的狀況,會發生什麼問題呢?在「Thoracic Outlet Syndrome」有說到「頭部前傾的姿勢(Head-Forward Posture)」狀況:
This position involves thoracic flexion, increased cervical lordosis scapular abduction, and shoulder internal rotation that can lead to tightness of the scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, upper trapezius, pectoralis minor, and serratus anterior. Compensatory elongation of the middle and lower trapezius can then occur .
When muscles are in a shortened or elongated position, they are at a mechanical disadvantage that can result in overuse of other compensatory muscles. In the scapular abducted position, the lower scapular stabilizers are weakened, and the scapular elevators such as the upper trapezius and levator scapulae become overused.
In such a situation, compression of the brachial plexus may cause pain and tenderness in the cervico-scapular region in addition to neurogenic symptoms from brachial plexus compression.
※ 補充
1. 人體的脊椎包含頸椎前凸(cervical lordosis)、胸椎後凸(thoracic kyphosis)、腰椎前凸(lumbar lordosis)三大曲線。
2. 胸鎖乳突肌:這肌肉左右各一條,從耳朵後面的那凸凸的骨頭(稱為乳突)開始到前頸部的胸骨及鎖骨處,所以叫胸鎖乳突肌。
3. 臂神經叢:臂神經叢由第五到第八對頸部脊髓神經的腹側分支,和第一對胸部脊髓神經的大部分腹側分支組合而成的神經網路。
4. Scapular Abduction(肩胛外展的動作[影片]。
1. 頸部肌肉的僵緊/短縮:上斜方肌與提肩胛肌
(※ 補充:聳肩或是提著很重的購物袋時,會用到提肩胛肩;而斜方肌除了在聳肩會也會用到,雙手過頭上舉也會用到。)
2. 胸肌的僵緊:胸大肌與胸小肌。
圖片來源:Yoga Tune Up、SGErgo.com、Cervical Lordosis