Try before you buy (or buy, then try)
There are two kinds of purchases: Either you are replenishing (you know precisely what you're about to get) or you are exploring.
Books and movies are almost always purchased before they are consumed. A bottle of Coke, or a return visit to a massage therapist, on the other hand, are replenishments of a known quantity. You might buy something for the satisfaction of owning it, or of owning one more, but that's different than buying out to find out what it does.
Neither is better or worse, but they are very much not the same.
If you sell an exploration, your customer is taking a chance. Sometimes magnifying that chance fits the worldview of the purchaser, and sometimes minimizing the risk is precisely what the purchaser is seeking.
On the other hand, in services like software and in recurring purchases, the sampling that leads to people getting hooked on the network effect and in replenishing what they have is what the seller seeks.
This is almost never talked about by marketers, but it's at the core of the strategy choices that follow.