- Oct 31 Sat 2015 12:20
- Oct 31 Sat 2015 12:18
- Oct 30 Fri 2015 17:34
Seth's Blog : Shadows and light
Shadows and light
There are two ways to get ahead: the race to the bottom and the race to the top.
You can get as close to the danger zone as you dare. Spam people. Seek deniability. Hide in the shadows. Push to close every sale. Network up, aggressively. Always leave yourself an out.
Or, you can do your work out loud, in public, and for others. Be relentlessly generous, without focusing on when it will come back to you.
In each case, the race to the bottom or the race to the top, you might win. Up to you.
- Oct 29 Thu 2015 18:07
Seth's Blog : Interesting
If you think about it, there's generally no correlation between how much something cost to make and how interesting it is.
There are boring movies that bomb... and that cost $100mm to make. And the sound of a crying infant in the next room costs nothing at all, but it certainly gains your attention.
A video made for free can go viral, and we'll happily ignore an ad campaign that cost a million or more to make.
So, if money isn't related to interestingness, why do we worry so much about spending more on the media we create?
- Oct 29 Thu 2015 00:29
- Oct 28 Wed 2015 18:06
Seth's Blog : Comparison, escalation and the golf clap
Comparison, escalation and the golf clap
We've all encountered a tepid group, an audience that won't make noise, a bunch of disaffected students, or perhaps the distracted masses.
Cat taught me this trick, which gives great insight into human nature.
"Can everyone give me a golf clap, a level one clap, a quiet, polite amount of applause?"
Of course, everyone can do this. This is risk-free, enthusiasm-free and easier to do than not.