



EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

富貴手-轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)


蔡呈芳 醫師
【文章出處】DrSkin www.drskin.com.tw


EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

您需要保濕乳液嗎?-轉載自自然生活網 (http://www.i-nature.com.tw)


蔡呈芳 醫師
【文章出處】DrSkin www.drskin.com.tw


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Time doesn't exist until we invent it

The transcontinental railroads led to the invention of time zones. For the first time, everyone needed to be in sync, regardless of what village one lived in.

A few generations later, we're in all in sync, to the second, thanks to the computers in our pockets.

Time is borrowed, wasted, spent. We find the time, slow down time, take our time. Its Miller, quitting, clobberin time. We focus on the stitch in time, hard time, closing time, not to mention big, daylight savings, race against, first, last, due, nick of...

Time is so variable, so based on our experience, that the absolute measure of time is almost meaningless. Don't even get me started about relativity and time travel.

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Naming tool of the year

When it's time to name your project, you probably want to find a domain for it. And, alas, all the obvious and most of the silly dot com choices were taken a very long time ago.

Time for wordoid.

Scroll down on the left, put a short word in the 'pattern' box and off you go.

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據美國媒體指出,紅襪隊強打捕手馬丁尼茲(Victor Martinez)已經與老虎隊達成加盟的協議。根據消息的說法,馬丁尼茲已與老虎隊簽下一紙4年5000萬美金的長約,現在就等體檢過關,因此老虎官方至今還沒有對外宣布此項人事案。如果馬丁尼茲能夠通過體檢加入老虎,那麼他的加盟對老虎戰力想必會有一定的提升,而這也許在未來將會對美聯中區的生態帶來重大的影響。

這個冬天到目前為止,老虎隊動作頻頻,總管鄧布茲基(Dave Dombrowski)先是以2年1150萬美金留下工具人英吉(Brandon Inge),又以2年1125萬美金綁住游擊手培洛塔(Jhonny Peralta),接著又用3年1650萬美金的肥約找來班諾特(Joaquin Benoit)補強牛棚,現在又用頂級合約招攬馬丁尼茲,總計下來,老虎花了將近億美元,而這樣花錢不手軟的方式,是否能夠讓老虎重溫2006年世界大賽的美夢?



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