- Nov 03 Mon 2014 08:57
- Nov 03 Mon 2014 08:56
瘋,原祭 原民交響鉅作首演
- Nov 02 Sun 2014 18:16
Seth's Blog : LTL as a strategy
LTL as a strategy
I confess I had to look it up.
A truck passed me on the highway and on the side, it said that they did both LTL and FTL shipments.
FTL means "full truckload." For the longest time, a full truckload was the only efficient way to ship goods around. A company would expand operations (not just trucking, but just about everything) so that it could use all of an available resource. No sense having half a shipping clerk or half a secretary or half a truck shipment--the rest was going to go to waste, so might as well use it all.
As Lisa Gansky wrote about in her seminal book the Mesh, the massive shift in data (and knowledge) produced by the net means that FTL isn't nearly the advantage over less than a truckload it used to be. Since it's so cheap and effective to coordinate activity, that extra space isn't wasted, not at all. It's shared.
- Nov 02 Sun 2014 16:49
Seth's Blog : Avoiding S-curve error
Avoiding S-curve error
The future is bumpy. It comes in spurts, and then it pauses.
It's tempting to connect two dots and draw a line to figure out where the third dot is going to be.
In the long run, that's a smart way to go. For example, if we look at the cost per transistor in 1970 and again today, we can make a pretty smart guess about where it's going in the future.
But we won't get there in a straight line.
- Nov 02 Sun 2014 11:51
- Nov 02 Sun 2014 11:37
經典科幻片《聯合縮小軍》與1987年的電影《驚異大奇航》帶起的人體探險風潮終於要被實現了,只是這次被縮小的是相機。來自George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering的研究團隊已開發出一款直徑僅1.5毫米的相機,能夠自由進出血管拍攝即時的3D影像,隨時監測身體狀況。
F. Levent Degertekin和相關研究團隊研發出的這款微型相機,被裝載在超過100個迷你零件組成的微型晶片上,能夠任意置入使用者的血管或心臟中,拍攝60fps的即時3D影像。此外,雖然稱為「相機」,其拍攝原理卻是透過超音波掃描,建構出血管內的影像。其利用 DNA 分子的特性,也就是在溫度低時,分子結構較緊密,而當溫度高時,分子結構會延長。因此研究團隊想到利用 DNA 來做成一個奈米籠子,在高溫環境中,籠子打開,藥物分子可進入籠中,低溫環境下,籠子關上,藥物分子就出不來,再注入體內,到了指定位置,再加溫打開籠子,如此便可免於搖控奈米機器人的麻煩,卻可達到相同的效果。