The first time was youthful bravery--I was playing hockey with people far better than I (not older, merely better) and they slammed me into the boards. That's something almost heroic, at least when you're twelve.
No, the second time was two days ago. I finished a delightful breakfast with a friend and as I walked out of the restaurant, I focused on the door to the street and the weather outside--and completely ignored the interior plate glass door, slamming right into it at full speed.
The important lesson: while it matters a lot that you have a goal, a vision and an arc to get there, it matters even more that you don't skip the preliminary steps in your hurry to get to the future. Early steps might bore you, but miss even one and you might not get the chance to execute on the later ones.
My nose is fine, thanks, better every day, but the reminder was a worthwhile one.
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Ways to improve your performance:
Compete for a prize
Earn points
Please a demanding boss
Make someone else's imminent deadline
EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
*以下為Jesse Thomas自述*
★ 家人:所以,Jesse你的_______訓練狀況還好嗎?
動一動 don1don 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
僅有一個月時間,只好選擇了一個被百度已經收錄的不怎么相關的域名: 。P.s:域名可以盡量選擇跟網站內容相關的
自己有伺服器,放在一個有名的站長手上,穩定的很,不擔心伺服器不穩定。 P.s:盡量選擇好的服務商,避免網站不穩定造成爬蟲無法光臨
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A year ago today, do you remember where you stood?
Last year about this time, I was lying on the couch, having ripped my hamstring with a loud pop while working out early in the morning. But that's not the sort of 'stand' that I'm talking about.
Are you more trusted? More skilled? More connected to people who care about your work?
How many people would miss your work if you stopped contributing it?
New Year's resolutions rarely work, because good intentions don't often survive a collision with reality. But an inventory is a helpful tool, a way to keep track of what you're building. Drip by drip.
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