


例子:"wow gold"在Google排名前三的網站,到yahoo上觀察其反向鏈接。除了其自身的站群鏈接外,很大一部分還是都可以共享的。當然這里面的垃圾鏈接也相當多,要進行篩選!

二、善于綜合應用Google Hack命令進行查找。

EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The danger of starting at the top
When making a b2b sale, the instinct is always to get into the CEO's office. If you can just get her to hear your pitch, to understand the value, to see why she should buy from or lease from or partner with or even buy you... that's the holy grail.

What do you think happens after that mythical meeting?

She asks her team.

And when the team is in the dark, you've not only blown your best shot, but you never get another chance at it.

EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Win the behemoth
I've gotten a ton of requests from people who want to get their hands on a copy of the limited-edition giant book I did. I also want to thank those of you with enough confidence in me to pre-order my new books. Hence a sweepstakes.

Enter here.

An old school sweepstakes, the kind I first ran in 1991, before, I don't know, everything.

And two PS bonuses:

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Question the question
The best creative solutions don't come from finding good answers to the questions that are presented.

They come from inventing new questions.


EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

How to make a website: a tactical guide for marketers
This isn't about the strategy of how to design a website that works--this is my take on how marketers can work with their teams, their bosses and their developers to get the site they want built with less time and less hassle. (PS all of this works for apps, too). Most people who are responsible for websites are amateurs. This is my best take on how the goal-oriented non-professional can do a good job.

Three things worth remembering:

Every website is a marketing effort. Sooner or later, your site involves an interaction with a user, and that interaction won't be 100% technical. You have to sell the engagement, the interaction and the story you have in mind. While websites have always involved technology, the tech is secondary to your ability to get your point across.
Virtually all websites are not on the cutting edge of technology. You're doing something that's been done before, at least technically.

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