- Apr 29 Wed 2015 08:50
- Apr 29 Wed 2015 08:49
- Apr 28 Tue 2015 21:21
Seth's Blog : Various updates
Various updates
Late in 2014, I invited IOS app developers to submit information for a lightweight list for people seeking professional help. Thanks to Jessica and the generous folks at New York Tech Meetup, it's free and ready for you to use or share. There's a worldwide list and one focused on New York as well. Go make something.
The Your Turn Challenge just finished, and it was a phenomenon. More than 4,500 posts came in from nearly a thousand people getting in the habit of shipping daily. Plus tweets. Well done, Winnie.
What To Do When It's Your Turn continues to spread, inspiring stories like this one.
Some recent podcasts... about letting ourselves off the hook and special snowflakes.
- Apr 28 Tue 2015 08:45
三鶯自力造屋 溪洲改建社會宅
- Apr 28 Tue 2015 08:43
- Apr 27 Mon 2015 21:26
Seth's Blog : Two kinds of hustle
Two kinds of hustle
There's the hustle of always asking, of putting yourself out there, of looking for discounts, shortcuts and a faster way. This is the hustle of it it doesn't hurt to ask, of what you don't know won't hurt you, of the ends justifying the means. This hustler propositions, pitches and works at all times to close a sale, right now.
This kind of hustler always wants more for less. This kind of hustler will cut corners if it helps in getting picked.
Then there's the hustle that's actually quite difficult and effective. This is the hustle of being more generous than you need to be, of speaking truthfully even if it delays the ultimate goal in the short run, and most of all, the hustle of being prepared and of doing the work.
It's a shame that one approach is more common (though appropriately disrespected), while the other sits largely unused.